MBTI (funzioni cognitive)

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    Quelli a cui cadono cose nel wc
    Royston Vasey

    bla bla bla, potete evitare la spiegazione e andare direttamente al test in fondo. C'è scritto che praticamente è un test figo.
    Ce ne sono varie versioni, io ne ho fatte diverse, ma il mio risultato non cambia.
    Il MBTI è probabilmente il test più conosciuto ed usato negli Stati Uniti. Sviluppato da Isabel Briggs Myers e da sua madre, Katharine Cook Briggs, fu pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1956 (forma F). La versione F e la versione G sono state pubblicate in Italia fino al 2000 da OS di Firenze. Per diversi anni quindi gli psicologi italiani non hanno potuto utilizzare strumenti psicometrici ispirati alla teoria dei tipi di Jung. Recentemente è stato validato in Italia il test Jung Type Indicator (JTI) che può essere considerato l’evoluzione del MBTI, soprattutto per le sue solide basi psicometriche. Il MBTI veniva presentato così:

    “Il MBTI applica la teoria dei tipi di Jung, la cui essenza è che le variazioni apparentemente molto casuali, del comportamento umano sono in realtà del tutto ordinate e coerenti, in quanto dovute a certe differenze di base nel modo in cui le persone preferiscono usare la percezione e il giudizio. Con il termine “percezione” si intendono i processi del divenire coscienti di cose, persone, avvenimenti o idee; con quello di “giudizio” si intendono i processi del “giungere a conclusioni” su ciò che è stato percepito. Se le persone differiscono sistematicamente in ciò che percepiscono e nelle conclusioni a cui giungono, esse possono di conseguenza mostrare altrettante differenze nelle loro reazioni, nei loro interessi, valori, bisogni e motivazioni, in ciò che fanno meglio e in ciò che a loro piace di più fare. Adottando questa ipotesi di lavoro, il MBTI mira ad accertare le preferenze di base delle persone in merito alla percezione ed al giudizio, così che gli effetti delle preferenze e delle loro combinazioni possano essere evidenti attraverso la ricerca e possano, di conseguenza, essere utilizzati praticamente. In genere, la conoscenza delle preferenze di base di una persona potrebbe essere utile in quasi tutte le decisioni che interessano il suo futuro. Questo test si rivela quindi fondamentale nel campo della selezione del personale, dell’orientamento e del counseling, venendo a colmare un vuoto e rispondendo ad una sentita esigenza degli utenti.

    Il MBTI contiene quattro indici separati per determinare ognuna delle quattro preferenze di base che, secondo la teoria junghiana, strutturano la personalità dell’individuo. L’indice EI ha lo scopo di evidenziare se la persona è un estroverso o un introverso. L’estroverso è principalmente orientato verso il mondo esterno e tende perciò a focalizzare la sua percezione e il suo giudizio sulle persone e sulle cose; l’introverso è principalmente orientato verso il mondo interno e tende quindi a focalizzare la propria percezione ed il proprio giudizio sui concetti e sulle idee. Il fine dell’indice SN è quello di evidenziare la preferenza della persona tra i due modi opposti di percepire; cioè se essa si affida principalmente al familiare processo della sensazione, per cui diviene cosciente delle cose direttamente attraverso uno qualsiasi dei suoi cinque sensi, oppure principalmente al processo meno ovvio dell’intuizione, che è intesa come percezione indiretta attraverso l’inconscio, in cui l’enfasi è posta sulle idee o sulle associazioni che l’inconscio aggiunge alle cose percepite dal mondo esterno. L’indice TF ha lo scopo di evidenziare la preferenza della persona tra i due modi opposti di giudicare cioè se si affida principalmente al pensiero, che discrimina impersonalmente tra il vero e il falso, o principalmente al sentimento, che discrimina tra ciò che ha valore e ciò che non ne ha. Infine, l’indice JP ha lo scopo di evidenziare se la persona si affida principalmente ad un processo basato sul giudizio (T o F) o ad un processo percettivo (S o N), nei suoi rapporti con il mondo esterno, cioè sulla parte estroversa della sua vita. Il questionario della Forma F si articola su 166 item, mentre quello della Forma G su 126. Quest’ultima forma, più breve, risulta essere quella di maggiore praticità.

    L’esaminato può partecipare alla valutazione dei suggerimenti offerti dal test, in quanto le classificazioni si basano essenzialmente su ciò che egli stesso predilige e sceglie, in una struttura che non comporta alcuna implicazione di valore né positiva né negativa. Una volta che l’individuo capisce che ciò che è in discussione è la sua legittima scelta tra alternative ugualmente degne di credito, egli si trova in una posizione unica per confermarle o rifiutarle. Tale scambio può offrire ulteriori utili informazioni sia per il consulente che per il consultante. In quest’ottica, il MBTI si rivela un interessante strumento nel settore dell’orientamento scolastico, essendo d’aiuto nella scelta universitaria o del tipo di scuola da frequentare; nel campo occupazionale, una conoscenza del tipo può indirizzare la selezione del personale e il suo inserimento e sviluppo in azienda, individuando il profilo professionale più adatto al candidato, nonché la sua inclinazione al lavoro in un’organizzazione. Il modo più appropriato di usare il MBTI è come uno stimolo alla capacità di intuito di colui che lo utilizza. Quando la descrizione di una persona offerta dal test ha senso per colui che lo usa alla luce dei fatti che si conoscono, quando suggerisce una soluzione promettente, si può giudicare quella soluzione in base ai suoi vantaggi.” (tratto dal catalogo OS Organizzazioni Speciali, 1998)

  2.     +1   -1

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    Quelli a cui cadono cose nel wc
    Royston Vasey

    INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population.
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    Self Preservation (SP) Instinct
    People who have this as their dominant instinct are preoccupied with the safety, comfort, health, energy, and well-being of the physical body. In a word, they are concerned with having enough resources to meet life's demands. Identification with the body is a fundamental focus for all humans, and we need our body to function well in order to be alive and active in the world. Most people in contemporary cultures are not faced life or death "survival" in the strictest sense; thus, Self-Preservation types tend to be concerned with food, money, housing, medical matters, and physical comfort. Moreover, those primarily focused on self-preservation, by extension, are usually interested in maintaining these resources for others as well. Their focus of attention naturally goes towards things related to these areas such as clothes, temperature, shopping, decorating, and the like, particularly if they are not satisfied in these areas or have a feeling of deficiency due to their childhoods. Self-Pres types tend to be more grounded, practical, serious, and introverted than the other two instinctual types. They might have active social lives and a satisfying intimate relationship, but if they feel that their self-preservation needs are not being met, still tend not to be happy or at ease. In their primary relationships, these people are "nesters"—they seek domestic tranquility and security with a stable, reliable partner.

    Enneagram Test Results
    Type 1Perfectionism||||||||||||46%
    Type 2Helpfulness||||||23%
    Type 3Image Awareness||||||26%
    Type 4Sensitivity||||||||||||50%
    Type 5Detachment||||||||||||||||66%
    Type 6Anxiety||||||||||||46%
    Type 7Adventurousness||||||||||33%
    Type 8Aggressiveness||||||||||40%
    Type 9Calmness||||||26%
    Your main type is 5
    Your variant is self pres
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    Dove c'è scritto "variant" e c'è il disegno del cervello e il sp/so/sx, il primo (il mio è sp) è il "vostro". Per capire che cos'è ecco qui i 3 profili spiegati:

    In addition to the Enneagram type, people are also considered to be one of three instinctual variants (also called subtypes). The self-preservation instinct (dealing with oneself), the sexual (dealing with another person) and the social instinct (dealing with a group) can be most pronounced.

    We strongly identify with one primary drive and with some secondary traits in another drive. On the occasion when two of the instinctual drives are equally dominant, it is noteworthy that the third drive is usually omitted. This perhaps still demonstrates the imbalanced use of the three very essential instinctual drives. The teaching of Instinctual Subtypes suggests that these fundamental instinctual drives need to be equally cared for and in balance in order to harness the energy needed to move toward transformation. The concept is that the energy expended in dealing with the instinctual drives' imbalance diminishes one's access to the energy necessary to move against fixation and toward transformation.

    Self Preservation (SP) Instinct
    People who have this as their dominant instinct are preoccupied with the safety, comfort, health, energy, and well-being of the physical body. In a word, they are concerned with having enough resources to meet life's demands. Identification with the body is a fundamental focus for all humans, and we need our body to function well in order to be alive and active in the world. Most people in contemporary cultures are not faced life or death "survival" in the strictest sense; thus, Self-Preservation types tend to be concerned with food, money, housing, medical matters, and physical comfort. Moreover, those primarily focused on self-preservation, by extension, are usually interested in maintaining these resources for others as well. Their focus of attention naturally goes towards things related to these areas such as clothes, temperature, shopping, decorating, and the like, particularly if they are not satisfied in these areas or have a feeling of deficiency due to their childhoods. Self-Pres types tend to be more grounded, practical, serious, and introverted than the other two instinctual types. They might have active social lives and a satisfying intimate relationship, but if they feel that their self-preservation needs are not being met, still tend not to be happy or at ease. In their primary relationships, these people are "nesters"—they seek domestic tranquility and security with a stable, reliable partner.

    Sexual (aka "Attraction") (SX) Instinct
    Many people originally identify themselves as this type because they have learned that the Sexual types are interested in "one-on-one relationships." But all three instinctual types are interested in one-on-one relationships for different reasons, so this does not distinguish them. The key element in Sexual types is an intense drive for intimacy and a constant awareness of the "chemistry" between themselves and others. Sexual types are immediately aware of the attraction, or lack thereof, between themselves and other people. Further, while the basis of this instinct is related to sexuality, it is not necessarily about people engaging in the sexual act. There are many people that we are excited to be around for reasons of personal chemistry that we have no intention of "getting involved with." Nonetheless, we might be aware that we feel stimulated in certain people's company and less so in others. The sexual type is constantly moving toward that sense of intense stimulation and intimacy in their relationships and in their activities. They are the most "energized" of the three instinctual types, and tend to be more aggressive, competitive, charged, and emotionally intense than the Self-Pres or Social types. Sexual types need to have deep intimacy in their primary relationships or else they remain unsatisfied. They enjoy being intensely involved—even merged—with others, and can become disenchanted with partners who are unable to meet their need for intense energetic union. Losing yourself in a "fusion" of being is the ideal here, and Sexual types are always looking for this state with others and with stimulating objects in their world.

    Social (aka "Adaptive") (SO) Instinct
    Just as many people tend to misidentify themselves as Sexual types because they want one-on-one relationships, many people fail to recognize themselves as Social types because they get the (false) idea that this means always being involved in groups, meetings, and parties. If Self-Preservation types are interested in adjusting the environment to make themselves more secure and comfortable, Social types adapt themselves to serve the needs of the social situation they find themselves in. Thus, Social types are highly aware of other people, whether they are in intimate situations or in groups. They are also aware of how their actions and attitudes are affecting those around them. Moreover, Sexual types seek intimacy, Social types seek personal connection: they want to stay in long-term contact with people and to be involved in their world. Social types are the most concerned with doing things that will have some impact on their community, or even broader domains. They tend to be warmer, more open, engaging, and socially responsible than the other two types. In their primary relationships, they seek partners with whom they can share social activities, wanting their intimates to get involved in projects and events with them. Paradoxically, they actually tend to avoid long periods of exclusive intimacy and quiet solitude, seeing both as potentially limiting. Social types lose their sense of identity and meaning when they are not involved with others in activities that transcend their individual interests.

  3.     -2   +1   -1

    L' Isola che c'è!

    Troppo lungo e troppo inglese
  4.     +1   -1

    Senior Member

    Quelli a cui cadono cose nel wc
    Royston Vasey

    Appena ho visto la tua risposta dalla home ho pensato "no, non ha fatto il test, ma se ne sarà uscita con qualche cattiveria".
  5. birbax
        +1   -1

    User deleted

    INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population.
    Take Free Jung Personality Test
    personality tests by similarminds.com

    Enneagram Test Results
    Type 1Perfectionism||||||||||||43%
    Type 2Helpfulness||||||||||40%
    Type 3Image Awareness||||||||||||||||66%
    Type 4Sensitivity||||||||||||||56%
    Type 5Detachment||||||||||||46%
    Type 6Anxiety||||||||||||50%
    Type 7Adventurousness||||||||||||||60%
    Type 8Aggressiveness||||||||||||50%
    Type 9Calmness||||||||||||46%
    Your main type is 3
    Your variant is sexual
    Take Free Enneagram Personality Test
    personality tests by similarminds.com

    Quindi io sono primariamente questo, right? :

    Sexual (aka "Attraction") (SX) Instinct
    Many people originally identify themselves as this type because they have learned that the Sexual types are interested in "one-on-one relationships." But all three instinctual types are interested in one-on-one relationships for different reasons, so this does not distinguish them. The key element in Sexual types is an intense drive for intimacy and a constant awareness of the "chemistry" between themselves and others. Sexual types are immediately aware of the attraction, or lack thereof, between themselves and other people. Further, while the basis of this instinct is related to sexuality, it is not necessarily about people engaging in the sexual act. There are many people that we are excited to be around for reasons of personal chemistry that we have no intention of "getting involved with." Nonetheless, we might be aware that we feel stimulated in certain people's company and less so in others. The sexual type is constantly moving toward that sense of intense stimulation and intimacy in their relationships and in their activities. They are the most "energized" of the three instinctual types, and tend to be more aggressive, competitive, charged, and emotionally intense than the Self-Pres or Social types. Sexual types need to have deep intimacy in their primary relationships or else they remain unsatisfied. They enjoy being intensely involved—even merged—with others, and can become disenchanted with partners who are unable to meet their need for intense energetic union. Losing yourself in a "fusion" of being is the ideal here, and Sexual types are always looking for this state with others and with stimulating objects in their world.

    Ok ho appena finito di leggere...

    Ommioddio è vero :mamba: :stellatrash:
    Ed è la ragione per cui morirò zitella e misantropa :FA:

    Aiuto :emoboy:
  6. Jesus 'SnaKe SuperStar III
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    CITAZIONE (>>Pimky @ 16/2/2012, 18:30) 
    Troppo lungo e troppo inglese

    once I agree with her
  7.     +1   -1

    L' Isola che c'è!

    CITAZIONE (Krigerinne @ 16/2/2012, 18:45) 
    Appena ho visto la tua risposta dalla home ho pensato "no, non ha fatto il test, ma se ne sarà uscita con qualche cattiveria".

    Nessuna cattiveria :azrael:
  8.     +1   -1

    Senior Member

    Quelli a cui cadono cose nel wc
    Royston Vasey

    Birxaaax :sgarzullo:

    Benvenuta nell'un percento delle femmine INTP :sgarzullo:

    INTP - The "Engineer"
    Temperament: NT (Intellectual)
    Primary Function: Introverted Thinking
    Population: 2.5% (4% male, 1% female)

    About the INTP
    Expert Quotes & Links

    "INTPs are relatively easy-going and amenable to most anything until their principles are violated, about which they may become outspoken and inflexible. They prefer to return, however, to a reserved albeit benign ambiance, not wishing to make spectacles of themselves."
    - INTP Profile (TypeLogic)

    "The INTP is above all a thinker and his inner (private) world is a place governed by a strong sense of logical structure. Every experience is to be rigorously analysed, the task of the INTP's mind is to fit each encountered idea or experience into a larger structure defined by logic."
    - An INTP Profile (intp.org)

    "INTPs live in the world of theoretical possibilities. They see everything in terms of how it could be improved, or what it could be turned into. They live primarily inside their own minds, having the ability to analyze difficult problems, identify patterns, and come up with logical explanations. They seek clarity in everything, and are therefore driven to build knowledge. They are the "absent-minded professors", who highly value intelligence and the ability to apply logic to theories to find solutions."
    - Portrait of an INTP (The Personality Page)
    "The Architects' distant goal is always to rearrange the environment somehow, to shape, to construct, to devise, whether it be buildings, institutions, enterprises, or theories. They look upon the world -- natural and civil -- as little more than raw material to be reshaped according to their design..."
    - The Portrait of the Architect Rational (iNTp) (Keirsey)

    "INTPs contribute a logical, system-building approach to their work. They like being the architect of a plan, because of the scheming and thinking involved, far more than being the implementer of that plan. Implementation tends to be drudgery. They are content to sit back and think about what might work, given their view of the situation. INTPs may ignore standard operating procedures. The hours that they spend are not what is important to them, but rather the completion of their thought process"
    - INTP - The Wizard (Lifexplore)

    "likes solitude, not revealing, unemotional, rule breaker, avoidant, familiar with the darkside, skeptical, acts without consulting others"
    - Jung Type Descriptions (INTP) (similarminds.com)

    Famous INTPs

    Real INTP People

    Abraham Lincoln - American President
    Albert Einstein - German physicist
    Ashley Olsen - actress (Full House)
    Blaise Pascal - French mathematician
    Bob Newhart - comedian, actor
    Brent Spiner - actor ("Data" on Star Trek)
    Carl Jung - Swiss psychiatrist
    Charles Darwin - English naturalist
    Gerald Ford - American President
    James Madison - American President
    Jeff Bingaman - U.S. Senator

    John Quincy Adams - American President
    John Tyler - American President
    Mary-Kate Olsen - actress (Full House)
    Meryl Streep - actress
    Midori Ito - Japanese figure skater
    Rene Descartes - French philosopher
    Rick Moranis - actor (Honey, I Shrunk the Kids)
    Socrates - Greek philosopher
    William Harvey - medical doctor
    William James - American psychologist

    Fictional INTPs (Characters)

    Ash - Alien
    Avon - Blake's 7
    Brian Griffin - Family Guy
    Data - Start Trek: The Next Generation

    Dr. Susan Lewis - E.R. TV show
    Filburt - Rocko's Modern Life
    Seven of Nine - Star Trek: Voyager

    INTP Career Matches

    INTPs are often happy with the following jobs which tend to match well with the Engineer/Intellectual personality.

    Computer Specialist
    Computer Animator
    Computer Programmer
    Forestry/Park Ranger
    Financial Planner
    Human Resources Manager
    Investment Banker

    Legal Mediator
    Network Specialist
    Project Manager
    Systems Analyst
    Strategic Planner
    Technical Writer

    Altri tipi qui

  9.     +1   -1

    Advanced Member

    Quelli senza fantasia al momento

    io l'ho fatto ma non mi carica nulla ç_ç
  10. birbax
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    Oddio Krig :crysmile:

    Here goes to the INTPs

  11.     +1   -1

    L' Isola che c'è!

    Robin la preferivo con i capelli lunghi.
  12.     +1   -1

    Senior Member

    Quelli a cui cadono cose nel wc
    Royston Vasey

    Robin somiglia a birbax :puccio:
  13. birbax
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    User deleted

    Non sei la prima che me lo dice sai? :cioè:
    Sono un po' sconvolta, spero che sia una cosa caratteriale, perchè se è dal punto di vista fisico, cioè, lei è imbarazzantemente bella e io no :emoboy:
    Comunque grazie :emolove:
  14.     +1   -1

    Senior Member

    Quelli a cui cadono cose nel wc
    Royston Vasey

    E' già la seconda volta che te lo dico io :qwqw: (tipo un annetto fa te l'avevo già detto :qwqw: e comunque in generale... un po' per tutte e due... :qwqw:)
  15. The Okko
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    Io l'ho fatto in un'altro sito e mi era venuto INTJ

    ecco ora:

    Extroverted (E) 55.17% Introverted (I) 44.83%
    Intuitive (N) 53.85% Sensing (S) 46.15%
    Thinking (T) 57.14% Feeling (F) 42.86%
    Perceiving (P) 57.58% Judging (J) 42.42%

    Enneagram Test Results
    Type 1Perfectionism||||||||||||||53%
    Type 2Helpfulness||||||30%
    Type 3Image Awareness||||||||||||||||66%
    Type 4Individuality||||||||||||||||||80%
    Type 5Rationality||||||||||36%
    Type 6Anxiety||||||||||||||||||76%
    Type 7Adventurousness||||||||||||||||||||83%
    Type 8Aggressiveness||||||||||||||||||73%
    Type 9Calmness||||||||||||43%
    Your main type is 7
    Your variant is sexual
    Take Free Enneagram Personality Test
    personality tests by similarminds.com

    Edited by The Okko - 2/4/2012, 17:33
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