Dan Aykroyd rivela di avere la sindrome di asperger e la sindrome di tourette

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    Dan Aykroyd rivela di avere la sindrome di asperger: sulla scia di Susan Boyle che di recente ha rivelato di avere la sindrome di asperger, Dan Aykroyd ha parlato dei suoi problemi con l'asperger e la tourette.
    Dice di essere stato diagnosticato asperger negli anni 80 dopo che sua moglie lo ha persuaso a chiedere un aiuto professionale.
    "Tra i miei sintomi c'è la mia ossessione per i fantasmi e per le forze di polizia - porto sempre uno stemma della polizia insieme a me, per esempio". Dice Aykroyd "sono diventato ossessionato da Hans Holzer, il più grande cacciatore di fantasmi di sempre. E' stato allora che è nata l'idea per il mio film Goshbusters"
    A 12 anni Aykroyd è stato diagnosticato con la sindrome di tourette
    "Avevo tic fisici, nervosismo e grugnivo, questo ha influito sulla mia socialità" ha detto al Daily Mail "sono stato in terapia e ha funzionato, a 14 anni i miei sintomi si erano alleviati"
    Il 61enne dell'Ottawa ha anche eterocromia dell'iride (un occhio blu e uno verde) e sindattilia (due delle sue dita in ogni piede sono unite). I suoi genitori stanno vivendo i loro novanta anni e Aykroyd pensa che avrà anche lui una lunga vita.
    "Credo mi rimangano due o tre vite come i gatti, voglio invecchiare nella fattoria di famiglia con i miei nipoti. Sono uno spiritualista e non ho paura della morte. Io so che lo spirito sopravvive una volta trapassato, siamo tutti uguali"
    Prima di ritirarsi però Aykroyd ha in mente di mettere ancora una volta a frutto la sua ossessione per i fantasmi cimentandosi nel terzo capitolo di Ghostbusters che comincerà ad essere girato nel 2014.
    Eppoi boh, ninth gear non so che significa...

    Traduzione dello Sgarzullino
    Fonte originale

    On the heels of Susan Boyle's admission that she has Asperger syndrome, Dan Aykroyd opened up this week about his own struggles with that disorder and Tourette's syndrome.
    In a new interview with the Daily Mail, the Canadian "Ghostbusters" star revealed he was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome in the 1980s, when his wife persuaded him to seek professional help.
    "One of my symptoms included my obsession with ghosts and law enforcement — I carry around a police badge with me, for example," Aykroyd said. "I became obsessed by Hans Holzer, the greatest ghost hunter ever. That’s when the idea of my film 'Ghostbusters' was born."
    And long before he was diagnosed with high-functioning autism, Aykroyd was told he had Tourette's at only 12 years old.
    "I had physical tics, nervousness and made grunting noises and it affected how outgoing I was," he told the Daily Mail. "I had therapy which really worked, and by 14 my symptoms eased."
    The 61-year-old Ottawa native also happens to have heterochromia iridum -- one green eye and one blue -- and syndactyly, which means two of his toes on each foot are webbed. He might also have a long lifespan; his parents are in their 90s and still living on the family farm in Kingston, Ont., and Aykroyd said he plans to live to a ripe old age, too.
    "I feel I’ve got two or three cat lives left, but want to grow old at the family farmhouse with my great-grandchildren (I have three daughters)," Aykroyd said. "I’m a spiritualist so don’t fear death. I know the spirit survives and once you cross over, everyone’s equal."
    But before all of that, Aykroyd plans to sate his ghost-hunting obsession one more time with a third "Ghostbusters" installment, which could start shooting as early as 2014.
    "We're going to really put it into ninth gear, in this third one," Aykroyd said earlier this year. "It's going to be very, very exciting."

    Grazie a spazioasperger per la segnalazione

    Altro articolo:

    GROSS: Sometimes when I'm preparing an interview, I'll read something about someone, and I'm not sure if they really said that or if it's really true, because it sometimes isn't. Ha ha. So, let me read you something that I read that you had said, and you can tell me if it's true. And if it is true and it's too personal, you can tell me that as well. But I read that when you were 12 you were diagnosed as schizophrenic and that you heard voices in your head and that you had to kind of keep that under control.

    AYKROYD: Um, well, it was more of a Tourette's thing than schizophrenia. I was analyzed as a Tourette's and Asperger's [child], which I still have a little bit today. You know, I mean, I grew up being pulled one way by my mother, who was very very strict, and then being relaxed by my father, who was very passive. I had the Tourette's there pretty badly there, and I went to a therapist about it. At 12 years old I was able to have the luxury of sitting down with a therapist and talking through all kinds of things, books and music. She was quite influential in kind of evening me out. ...Of course, now today they just give kids pills, but back then we didn't have the benefit of all this sophisticated medicine. Whether it works or not, I don't know. I think time will tell on that.

    It was not so much [schizophrenia]. I think when I said that, I was kind of going to the extreme. It was not so much the schizophrenia part of it, but it was the Tourette's/Asperger's, which can be associated with hallucinogenic voices and that. I still have a little touch of that today. But I've been able to kind of defeat it without pharmaceutical medication. And I just find in my research and reading today that there's a lot of people who have this kind of mild condition, and some of them get over it, and [for] some of them, it spins out where it affects them quite negatively.

    GROSS: If you don't mind my asking--

    AYKROYD: I don't.

    GROSS: --what were some of the symptoms when you were 12, and were these things that you had to fight against to do the kind of acting & writing that you wanted to do, and did they feed that in any way?

    AYKROYD: Well, it was mostly physical tics, you know, and nervousness kind of thing, and that kind of thing, you know, like grunting and tics and the classic Tourette's type syndrome, that type of thing. But by the time I was 14 it was allayed and I really haven't had too much occurrence except on the Asperger's side, where I have a fascination with police, and I always have to have a badge with me. ... I have a fascination with law enforcement and the police. My grandfather was a Mountie and that. If I don't have a badge on me, I feel naked.

    GROSS: I can't tell if you're kidding or not.

    AYKROYD: No, no. It's true.




    Non dimentichiamoci di lui


    Edited by Krigerinne - 5/3/2014, 21:20
  2. Jesus 'SnaKe SuperStar
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    wow, non l'avrei mai detto :krigerinne:
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    Quelli a cui cadono cose nel wc
    Royston Vasey

    Mh :morfeo:
  4. zoof
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    ma dai :krigerinne:
    comunque l'ho sempre trovato puccio, elwood è stato tipo uno dei miei primi amori :puccio:
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    Quelli a cui cadono cose nel wc
    Royston Vasey

    Anche in The Blues Brothers si vede la sua fissazione per i fantasmi, nella scena con la suora ci sono porte che si chiudono da sole e a un certo punto la vecchia si sposta senza muovere i piedi come gli spiriti :morfeo: per non parlare del fatto che dopo 3 (o 2?) anni tutta la band si è rifatta la vita mentre lui indossa ancora gli stessi vestiti, e mangia solo pane bianco liscio :zoof:

    Però scusate la tourette è un colpo di classe. :edolello:
  6. zoof
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    elwood ora che ci penso ha un che di asperger :krigerinne: ma in realtà il film è troppo assurdo per notarlo
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    Quelli a cui cadono cose nel wc
    Royston Vasey

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    Royston Vasey

    GROSS: Sometimes when I'm preparing an interview, I'll read something about someone, and I'm not sure if they really said that or if it's really true, because it sometimes isn't. Ha ha. So, let me read you something that I read that you had said, and you can tell me if it's true. And if it is true and it's too personal, you can tell me that as well. But I read that when you were 12 you were diagnosed as schizophrenic and that you heard voices in your head and that you had to kind of keep that under control.

    AYKROYD: Um, well, it was more of a Tourette's thing than schizophrenia. I was analyzed as a Tourette's and Asperger's [child], which I still have a little bit today. You know, I mean, I grew up being pulled one way by my mother, who was very very strict, and then being relaxed by my father, who was very passive. I had the Tourette's there pretty badly there, and I went to a therapist about it. At 12 years old I was able to have the luxury of sitting down with a therapist and talking through all kinds of things, books and music. She was quite influential in kind of evening me out. ...Of course, now today they just give kids pills, but back then we didn't have the benefit of all this sophisticated medicine. Whether it works or not, I don't know. I think time will tell on that.

    It was not so much [schizophrenia]. I think when I said that, I was kind of going to the extreme. It was not so much the schizophrenia part of it, but it was the Tourette's/Asperger's, which can be associated with hallucinogenic voices and that. I still have a little touch of that today. But I've been able to kind of defeat it without pharmaceutical medication. And I just find in my research and reading today that there's a lot of people who have this kind of mild condition, and some of them get over it, and [for] some of them, it spins out where it affects them quite negatively.

    GROSS: If you don't mind my asking--

    AYKROYD: I don't.

    GROSS: --what were some of the symptoms when you were 12, and were these things that you had to fight against to do the kind of acting & writing that you wanted to do, and did they feed that in any way?

    AYKROYD: Well, it was mostly physical tics, you know, and nervousness kind of thing, and that kind of thing, you know, like grunting and tics and the classic Tourette's type syndrome, that type of thing. But by the time I was 14 it was allayed and I really haven't had too much occurrence except on the Asperger's side, where I have a fascination with police, and I always have to have a badge with me. ... I have a fascination with law enforcement and the police. My grandfather was a Mountie and that. If I don't have a badge on me, I feel naked.

    GROSS: I can't tell if you're kidding or not.

    AYKROYD: No, no. It's true.


    Loool è più disagiato di quanto si pensasse prima, sentiva le voci non ci credo :dramma:

    No, no. It's true.

    Comunque non so perché la notizia è uscita ora, questa intervista è del 2004!
    Il nuovo articolo si limita a mettere insieme questo articolo e quest'altro.
  9. zoof
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    scommetto che è per questo che elwood gira con una macchina della polizia :os:

    se stessimo negli anni 70 shipperemmo dan e john belushi :krigerinne:


  10.     +1   -1

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    Quelli a cui cadono cose nel wc
    Royston Vasey

    Evvero! La bluesmobile! :zoof:
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    Quelli a cui cadono cose nel wc
    Royston Vasey


    Comunque ho spostato qui https://sgarzullino.forumfree.it/?t=67730695

    Potrei rivedere Ghostbusters alla ricerca di qualche riferimento alla polizia :zoof:

    Rido troppissimo

  12.     +1   -1

    Ghəi Chinəsi

    Orietta Berti Fanz

    Ma tipo che ci facevo caso solo ora hahahaha
    Ho visto pazzi, e rievocare vecchi fantasmi come Pac Man e Dan Aykroyd

    Caparezza - Abiura di me

    Che tristezza...
  13.     +1   -1

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    Quelli a cui cadono cose nel wc
    Royston Vasey

    WUT, io capivo "come pacman ed anacroid" :morfeus:

    :donnie: morfeus, bellissimo così :lool:
12 replies since 13/12/2013, 14:02   1026 views